Executive Council met today, Tuesday 28 January 2014, at 09.30am.  There was one item on the open agenda.

This item was the proposed RMS Shipping Schedule for 2015-2016.  This schedule had previously been distributed to stakeholders for consultation, and a variety of responses were received. 

A question had been raised about the possibility of a voyage to Tristan, but the expected demand on berths as a result of Airport construction and economic development ruled this out. The schedule post Airport opening has yet to be confirmed and possible voyages such as this will be considered nearer the time, when more information is available.

Executive Council approved the RMS Shipping Schedule from 25 March 2015 to 12 April 2016. SHG will publish the new schedule later today.

During the closed agenda, Executive Council was asked to consider an increase in Freight and Passenger tariffs. In 2012, Executive Council agreed in principle that there would be an annual increase in the tariffs in line with inflation. It was also a condition of the Memorandum of Understanding agreed for the Airport that efforts would be made to reduce untargeted subsidies, which included the RMS. As inflation is currently running at around 1%, Executive Council agreed to this small increase in tariffs, with effect from 1 April 2014.

The next item was that the Supplementary Appropriation Bill be introduced as Government Business in the forthcoming meeting of Legislative Council.  Supplementary Appropriation is required to increase the budget approved in March 2013, to cover unforeseen expenditure.  This will be fully debated in the formal Legislative Council meeting on Friday 14 February 2014.

This relatively short meeting concluded at 10.15am.


28 January 2014


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