St Helena operates a Category 2 Shipping Registry under the Red Ensign Group (REG) which is comprised of 13 international shipping registries, being that of the UK and those from 9 OT’s and 3 CD’s, operating under the one UK flag state.
There are two categories of Registry, Category 1 (Vessels unlimited type, tonnage and length) and Category 2 (Vessels limited to <400 gross tons) –
The legal framework for the relationship between the St Helena Shipping Register and the MCA is set out in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU governs the relationship and establishes the responsibilities and conditions, of both the St Helena Administration and the MCA, for the operation of the Category 2 Shipping Registry. The MoU, together with St Helena’s commitment to comply with the UK flag State quality objectives is monitored by the MCA.
Number: 22008