Infrastructure and Transport Services

This list outlines the services provided by each Division within our Directorate. This list is not exhaustive but provides a guide of the most common services.

Roads Section (excluding Drainage)

The Roads Section maintains a list of which roads it deems to be part of the SHG Road Network, this list is considered definitive.


  • carry out routine inspections of the SHG road network
  • carry out planned and reactive maintenance of road network infrastructure:
    • Road surface
    • Adjacent walls (when part of the roads infrastructure)
    • Safety railings
    • Road signs and markings
    • Bridges
  • carry out verge cleaning of identified roads within resource limits
  • respond to out-of-hours call-outs to assess and make safe damage to road infrastructure

We do not:

  • repair private roads infrastructure
  • carry out repairs to stripping of top layer of road surface
  • manage community roads, district roads or other private roads
  • manage the cutting of overhanging vegetation
  • manage utility apparatus
  • repair damage caused by a utility or it’s apparatus
  • manage damage caused by any other party (other than where the Roads Section has responsibility as listed above, to ensure it is repaired by that party)
  • manage litter, refuse and other waste deposits
  • respond to out-of-hours call-outs not related to the Road
  • carry out road traffic enforcement
  • provide a hire or loan service for signs, cones or equipment

The Roads Section may take responsibility for the management of: (if funding and any other necessary resources are provided)

  • Improvement projects

Roads Section (Drainage)


  • manage water which lands on the public road surface
  • manage surface water running in watercourses passing under the public road

We do not manage:

  • brown or grey water
  • water which lands on land other than the road surface
  • water running onto the public road from private land
  • surface water running in watercourses up or downstream of the public road
  • ground water, or water coming out of the ground in private land

Roads Section (The Sea Front, Jamestown)

Due to the many different issues surrounding the Sea Front, this service standard has been developed to define what the Roads Section is and is not responsible for. In geographical terms the Roads Section responsibilities are limited to the surfaced area between Donny’s Club and the new Customs building (where the main surfacing turns to concrete and the road becomes The Wharf), and the access from the Arch.


  • carry out routine inspections
  • carry out weed clearance (other than in designated planting areas)
  • manage road and parking area structure and surfacing, including any road markings
  • manage permanent road signs
  • co-ordinate works (once a roadworks co-ordination system has been implemented, as the Sea Front will be treated as a road within that system)
  • respond to out of hours call outs relating to the Roadway
  • manage the Sea Defense budget (but not any required works)
  • manage the Street Lighting budget, including requests for new lighting
  • maintain the railings adjacent to the Sea Front

We do not:

  • manage utility apparatus
  • repair damage caused by a utility or it’s apparatus
  • repair damage caused by any other party (other than where the Roads Section has responsibility as listed above, to ensure it is repaired by that party)
  • manage litter, refuse and other waste deposits
  • respond to out of hours call outs not related to the Roadway
  • manage the Moat,  including, but not limited to: the walls, the base, drainage, vegetation, bridges over it, parapet walls, parapet railings
  • maintain railings adjacent to the Moat
  • carry out repair works to the Sea Defences
  • manage life preservers and other water safety features
  • manage any seating, planting, trees or other street furniture, including the Honeymoon Chair
  • carry out Street lighting repairs
  • manage special lighting, eg Christmas Lights
  • manage the Wharf
  • carry out Road Traffic Enforcement

The Roads Section may take responsibility for the Management of: (if funding and any other necessary resources are provided)

  • Improvement projects

Roads Section (Public Lighting)

The Roads Manager maintains a list of which public lights are part of the SHG public lighting, this list is considered definitive.


  • manage public lighting, the lights on Jacobs Ladder and Christmas street lighting
  • maintain a list of public lighting faults
  • arrange prioritised repairs on a monthly basis within resource limits
  • arrange the erection and removal of the Christmas lights with Connect Saint Helena

We do not:

  • instruct repairs outside the monthly repairs list (except in the case of an immediate risk to life or property from a structural defect in the lighting unit)
  • instruct repairs if resources are not available
  • manage private exterior lighting
  • manage the electricity supply
  • maintain posts not exclusively for the purpose of supporting a street light

The Roads Manager may take responsibility for the Management of: (if funding and any other necessary resources are provided)

  • Improvement projects

Roads Section (Rockfall)


  • conduct regular inspections of the rockfall protection infrastructure above Jamestown
  • conduct regular inspections of the slope above the Museum Car Park
  • conduct regular inspections of the fence above the Shears in Ruperts
  • conduct ad hoc inspection and clearing of any reported rock falls in any of the Infrastructure
  • conduct ad hoc inspection and clearing of rockfall risk in any other public open areas
  • identify new risks and provide monitoring and advice to SHG management
  • respond to rockfall incidents at any time

We do not:

  • conduct ad hoc inspection and clearing of rockfall risk in any private areas

The Rockguards may take responsibility for the Management of: (if funding and any other necessary resources are provided)

  • improvements to rockfall protection infrastructure

Property Asset Management


  • maintain all operational properties for SHG
  • are responsible for the leasing and sale of SHG land and buildings
  • carry out all site inspections, measured and condition surveys
  • are responsible for administration of the Lands Disposal Policy
  • provide valuation advice to SHG and the Bank of St Helena
  • administration of the properties held on lease ( residential and commercial )

We do not:

  • rescue cats from trees
  • maintain gardens and trees
  • maintain utilities and streets
  • collect rents from tenants



  • administer the letting of Government Landlord Housing (GLH) and Chief Secretary houses
  • repair SHG  houses where possible
  • project manage upgrading and improvements
  • provide advice to the private sector on lettings 
  • manage the GLH tenancy agreements
  • allocate houses to GLH tenants
  • manage the turnover in Chief Sec houses between contracts

We do not:

  • clean and remove rubbish from GLH or Chief Secretary houses
  • collect rents from tenants



  • Provide Vehicle Fleet services for SHG Directorates
  • Provide a hiring service of various plant and equipment where the private sector is unable to do so.