With our world becoming increasingly digitised and ever more reliant on online services and technology in general, cybercrime has likewise become increasingly widespread.
For this reason cyber security is given high priority within SHG and our team are always seeking ways to improve the security of our ICT systems, as well as our policies and procedures, to ensure that they are in line with international cyber security standards and practices.
This involves safeguarding our ICT systems from cyber security threats by implementing various security systems/software and keeping them patched with the latest up dates.
Staff training and awareness of cyber security also plays a significant role in ensuring SHG’s ICT systems and data are kept secure and shielded against cyber-attacks. Therefore all SHG staff undergo mandatory cyber security training and are periodically reminded of good cyber hygiene practices through cyber security awareness campaigns. These campaigns involve the distribution of educational posters, weekly cyber security tips sent via email, as well as short online training modules, which serve as refreshers to the initial training they receive. Current cyber security campaigns which utilise social media channels, local newspapers and radio stations also help to raise awareness amongst the general public of St Helena.
Looking into the future SHG will aim to develop these public campaigns further by providing updates on the SURE Promotional Channel. There are also plans for periodic public cyber security training workshops.