Materials Recycling Facility (MRF)

St Helena is faced with a threat concerning waste management due to its isolation, small size and limited economy. St Helena has always predominantly relied on landfill as its primary waste management solution. —

Since the creation of excavated domestic waste cells at Horse Point Landfill Site (HPLS) in 2013 it has become clear that the quantity of waste generated on Island has risen at a rate much greater than originally predicted, resulting in a dramatic decrease in the projected lifespan of the waste cells from 20+ years to 12 years (calculated in 2015). This means at the current rate of use HPLS could be fully utilised by 2027. There is, however, an opportunity to increase the remaining useful life of HPLS by at least 25 years by increasing the amount of recycling taking place on the island.

The development of the Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) was generously funded through the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s (FCDO) Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) under the Overseas Territories Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Programme. The MRF became operational in August 2022 and has equipment to compact and bale card, plastics and ADC.

Plastic and cardboard bales will be used as Lego bricks/gabions within HPLS to support infrastructure of new and existing waste cells and ADC will be exported.

In September 2023, a Public-Private partnership was established with Roddy Yon to deliver ADC recycling, compacting and baling ADC for export to South Africa.

There are currently seven communal recycling hubs whereby plastic (grey bin), glass (red bin) and ADCs (blue bin) can be disposed of. Over the coming months more communal recycling hubs will be established, and a brown wheelie bin for cardboard recycling will be added to all hubs.

The current recycling hub locations are:

  • Half Tree Hollow – Near Leon Plato’s residence
  • Half Tree Hollow – Andy’s Shop
  • Half Tree Hollow – Solomons Supermarket
  • St Paul’s – New Ground Bus Shelter
  • St Paul’s – Cleughs Plain Bus Shelter
  • St Paul’s – Kingshurst Community Centre
  • Sandy Bay – Bagley’s Point

Additionally, these waste items and others can also be taken to the Public Recycling Facility at HPLS and placed in the relevant bays which is open 24/7.

The 5 new communal hub locations are.

  • Briars – Near St Mary’s Church
  • Alarm Forest – Bus Shelter
  • Longwood – Piccolo Hill
  • Deadwood – Bus Shelter
  • Blue Hill – Near Moonshines Bar Car Park

Whilst plastics, ADC and card will continue to be processed, WMS are seeking to progress glass waste recycling in order to produce a product suitable for construction as a substitute for sand.

For further information, please contact Environmental Risk Management Team:

Mike Durnford – Environmental Risk Manager +290 24724

Terri Clingham – Environmental Officer Risk Management +290 24724

Patrick Crowie – Landfill Manager +290 23655