Job Category:
Contract Type:
Company: Legislative Council
Application Deadline: 20 October 2021
Location: Legislative Council
Job Description
Expressions of Interest are invited for the role of Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Legislative Council, which became vacant on 2 August 2021, upon dissolution of Council.
The Speaker presides in meetings of Legislative Council and is responsible for the observance of the rules of order in the Council and his/her decision on any point of order is final. The Speaker also receives complaints made against Members under the Code of Conduct.
The Speaker is a non-voting Member of Legislative Council. In the absence of the Speaker the Deputy Speaker performs the role.
In accordance with Section 55 of the St Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha Constitution, both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker are voted for by Elected Members from eligible members of the public who have put themselves forward. They need to be proposed and seconded by different Elected Members of Council. The Speaker will take up office immediately following his/her election.
Anyone interested in taking up these roles must be registered as an Elector on the Register of Electors which came into effect from 27 August 2021.