General Election 2021 – Important Information for Candidates – Changes to Witness Requirements

Candidates standing for Election are advised that when submitting their Nomination they will need to include:

  • Their full name and signature
  • Full names and signatures of two Sponsors
  • Full names and signatures of five Supporters, all of which must be witnessed.

Names and signatures of the Sponsors must be witnessed by the Returning Officer, an Assistant Returning Officer or a JP. 

Witnesses of the five Supporters do not have to be on the Register of Electors as previously advised in the newspaper inserts ‘All you need to know about nominating a candidate for the General Election 2021’ published on 9 & 10 September and 16 & 17 September. 

A corrected version of this insert is available on the St Helena Government website at:

Please contact Returning Officer, Carol George, via email: or on tel:22470 for further clarification.

#StHelena #GeneralElection2021 #Nominations

20 September 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470