International Literacy Day 2020

Today, Tuesday 8 September 2020, is celebrated around the world as International Literacy Day – a day used to highlight the importance of literacy (the ability to read, write and understand) to individuals, communities and societies.

Here on St Helena, to recognise the importance of literacy and to celebrate International Literacy Day, Teacher Trainees of the Education Directorate have been running a project called ‘Our Island’s Love for Literacy’.

As part of the Project, individuals from a variety of St Helena Government (SHG) Directorates and other local organisations were asked to supply a photo of themselves reading a book and accompany that with their favourite quote, phrase, or paragraph.

The idea of the Project is to showcase the importance of literacy in whichever role and career you are in or wish to pursue and also to recognise that literacy is for everyone.

Project Leads, Teacher Trainees, Alaina Crowie and Danielle Fowler, said:

“Each year International Literacy Day is celebrated, however this year we thought we would go with the idea of involving different directorates and businesses to promote the importance of literacy both Island-wide and worldwide. Our aim for this Project is to encourage our younger generation and those who are still in academic studies to understand and identify the importance of literacy, while working hard to strive for success in whatever career path they are deciding to take.”

Alongside the ‘Our Island’s Love for Literacy’ Project, International Literacy Day will also be celebrated throughout the Education Directorate.

In the three Primary Schools, assemblies, activities, and competitions will be held all based around literacy with the involvement of guest speakers, dressed-up story characters, and loads of fun literacy-themed events. At Prince Andrew School, literacy will be the focus of a whole School assembly as well as during lessons. The School will also launch the new phase of their accelerated reader programme throughout this week. In the Public Library, there will be promotion of new books and also a special radio programme in collaboration with SAMS Radio One. More on what’s happening around the Island for International Literacy Day 2020 can be seen in a post on the SHG Facebook Page.

A sponsored read has also been organised by St Helena’s Active Participation in Enterprise (SHAPE) which is planned to be aired on SAMS Radio One today.

#StHelena #Education #InternationalLiteracyDay

8 September 2020

‘Our Island’s Love for Literacy’ – Project Booklet

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