Public Consultation – 60 New Homes Proposed for Half Tree Hollow

New housing for Half Tree Hollow moves a step closer this week with the publication of a draft layout for the Comprehensive Development Area (CDA) in Half Tree Hollow (attached). The proposals have been sent to residents in and around the CDA for their comments before a planning application is submitted. The designs for individual homes will also be circulated for comment.

Housing Executive, Andy Crowe said:

“Back in March we asked for comments through the Housing Newsletter, the Business Seminar at Prince Andrew School and a drop-in session at the Half Tree Hollow Community Centre. We also consulted SHG departments responsible for the environment, drainage, roads and planning.

“The problems of sewerage and water retention were high among most peoples’ priorities. The steep slopes and the rocky surface make it a very difficult site to develop, but there is clearly a demand for all types of housing – to buy, rent and self-build – so we hope to be able to offer everyone an opportunity.”

Few residents commented in March but Andy expects more to do so once they see the draft layout and plans for the houses.

Residents within and adjacent to the CDA have been invited to a workshop starting at the earlier time of 5pm on Tuesday 20 August at the Half Tree Hollow Community Centre (please note revised date). There are also posters on display in Half Tree Hollow and it is hoped that members of the public who wish to comment at this stage will do so.

Andy explained that there will be further opportunity to comment as part of the normal planning process, but by offering this extra an early opportunity, he believes people will be more content with the final result.

He said:

“Planning is always a sensitive matter and it is usually impossible to satisfy everyone, but I hope to show that we will make changes where there is a good argument to do so.”

Comments should be sent in writing to Andy Crowe, Housing Executive, Essex House, Jamestown or via email at by no later than 20 August 2013.

Note to Editor:

Please note the change of date, which will allow time to circulate house designs ahead of the meeting.

6  August 2013


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