Primary School Swimming Gala 2023

The Primary Schools will be hosting their annual Swimming Gala on Friday, 21 April 2023. All parents, carers, and members of the public are invited to attend. However, space within the pool complex is limited and priority will be given to parents/carers. Those attending are also reminded that there is limited seating and shade available.

The Gala will start at approximately 10am and will end at approximately 2.30pm.

As this is a school event we would appreciate if all spectators could adhere to the following conditions in the interests of the safety of our students:

  • No animals will be allowed at this event.
  • Only the appointed marshals, helpers, and School Team Leaders will be allowed around the edge of the pool.
  • There will be school appointed photographers for the day. No photos are to be taken during this event by spectators. However, in the interest of safeguarding others, parents/carers may take photos of their own child/children.
  • No alcohol is allowed anywhere on the premises.
  • Smoking is restricted at the pool for this event. Persons wishing to smoke must do so outside of the pool area, and away from all pupils.
  • All litter is to be put into the bins provided.

Please note, if parents/carers wish to transport their children home after the event they are asked to ensure that they send in a note, or see a staff member on the day so that all children can be accounted for.

We look forward to your support in making this a successful day for our children. 

19 April 2023

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470