16 April 2020
St Helena residents are reminded that while the hosepipe ban has been lifted for areas fed from the Levelwood, Hutt’s Gate and Longwood reservoirs, the areas fed from Red Hill and Chubbs Spring Water Treatment Works as well as the untreated areas of Blue Hill, Head O’Wain, Burnt Rock, Horse Pasture, Thompson’s Hill, Guinea Grass and St Paul’s remain under the hosepipe ban.
Red Hill Reservoirs have a stored water volume of 39% which is a slight rise from 34% last week, and Harpers 2 (Earth Dam) is still very low with only 8% stored water.
Connect Saint Helena Ltd (CSH) continues to pump water at optimum level to supplement Red Hill supplies.
There is a steady increase in stored volume with the Island-wide stored water level now at 59.6%, however the community is reminded that while reservoir levels are increasing, our stored water volumes can quickly decline if consumption rates increase. The community is still encouraged to use water responsibly.
Please contact CSH on tel: 22255 if you are unsure whether the hosepipe ban applies to you.
#StHelena #WaterShortage #EveryDropCounts
St Helena Resilience Forum
16 April 2020