9 March 2020
The Social & Community Development Committee (SCDC) agreed draft Terms of Reference for a Sub-Committee to review the Elections Ordinance. Formal appointment of its members will now follow.
Revised Fees and Charges recommended by Corporate Services were agreed for onward approval by Executive Council to be implemented from 1 April 2020. The revised fees and charges in line with inflation include:
- Archives research for residents and non-residents
- Gaming Machine Licences
- Liquor Licences
- Charities fees
The Committee endorsed two recommendations to update the Liquor Ordinance in respect of occasional licencing and for restaurants to sell liquor from 9am instead of 11am. The drafting of legislation will now take place prior to consultations.
The Exploitation Prevention Policy was formally endorsed by the Committee and subsequent training was also planned for SCDC and extended to all Elected Members.
Updates and discussions on various other matters included:
- Disability legislation to be added to the legislative priority list
- An advisory note relating to the Information Bill, is currently on hold and is expected to be shared with the Committee soon
- A draft policy on the Immigration Review is anticipated soon
- Equality & Human Rights Framework Agreement is currently being processed to be shared with Committee prior to giving it full consideration
- The Committee recognised the threat of the Coronavirus to the Children & Adults Social Care Directorate due to the elderly under their care and therefore agreed that the Director should be included on discussions at the strategic planning group.
#StHelena #SCDC
9 March 2020