29 May 2020
- Amendment to firearms legislation approved
- Magistrates Court (Amendment) Bill approved in principle
- Review of the Minimum Income Standard (MIS) Basket
- Elections Ordinance Review underway
The monthly meeting of the Social & Community Development Committee (SCDC) took place on Wednesday, 13 May 2020.
An amendment to the Firearms legislation was approved. When the resulting Bill (draft law) is eventually passed by Legislative Council it will enable the Museum of St Helena to hold and exhibit Firearms rather than its management having to obtain Firearms Certificates.
The Committee approved in principle the Magistrates Court (Amendment) Bill. This proposed amendment will make provision for the Chief Justice to exercise the powers of the Chief Magistrate if the Chief Justice opts to preside as Chief Magistrate rather than an ordinary Justice and would permit a Justice to attend a sitting of the Magistrates’ Court remotely.
The Committee agreed for a work plan to be drawn up to have the basket for the Minimum Income Standard reviewed.
The Elections Ordinance Review is underway by a Sub-Committee of SCDC under the chairmanship of Committee Member, Councillor Jeffrey Ellick. Included in their terms of reference is to review the election processes to see how it could be modernised and to consider whether a criteria to stand for election should be more stringent.
Policies relating to all Social Security Review Recommendations will be taken forward to be drafted for consideration by SCDC. The expected recruitment of a Social Policy Planner will be beneficial in taking these recommendations forward for more detailed considerations.
The Committee expressed their appreciation and thanks towards the Immigration Working Group for their efforts in drafting an Immigration policy document which will now be taken forward by Executive Council.
#StHelena #SCDC #MeetingSummary
28 May 2020