SHG Takes On-Board Feedback On Bradley’s Camp Quarantine Facility

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Chairman of the Public Health Committee, Councillor Derek Thomas, met with the most recent residents who quarantined at Bradley’s Camp following their arrival to the Island on the last charter flight.

Councillor Thomas heard the views and discussed the experiences of these residents and discussed ways of improving the services at Bradley’s Camp for future arrivals.

The matters raised with Councillor Thomas and the Bradley’s Camp Management ranged from domestic / personal matters to more strategic matters, such as testing arrangements. Councillor Thomas will address many of the raised concerns at the next Incident Executive Group (IEG) meeting.

Councillor Thomas thanked all persons for attending the meeting and for raising their concerns which will bring about improvements for future quarantine cycles at the Camp.

#StHelena #Bradley’sCamp #Quarantine #COVID-19 #AltogetherHealthier


3 September 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470