Economic Development Committee to Consider Final Draft Labour Market Strategy

The Economic Development Committee will consider whether to endorse a final draft of the Labour Market Strategy (LMS) at its next meeting on Thursday, 28 November 2019. The final draft LMS has been published on the SHG website at: Hard copies will be available at the Public Library and Customer Service Centre.

The final draft LMS reflects revisions made in response to feedback received during public consultations which occurred between 2 September and 11 October. A ‘Quick Reference Guide’ has been developed to summarise key points raised during consultations and the resulting changes to the LMS. This document can also be found at: and hard copies will be available at the Public Library and Customer Service Centre.

Questions can be directed to Senior Economist, Amanda Curry Brown, via email: by Wednesday, 27 November 2019.

#StHelena #EconomicDevelopment #LabourMarketStrategy #SEDP

21 November 2019

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470