St Helena Police have been consulting with the Island community as part of their Neighbourhood Policing Programme. A series of meetings and surgeries were held in June which were well attended, and a range of subjects discussed.

Concerns raised in various districts include:


Members of the public felt that the double yellow lines in Jamestown needed repainting. 

Police spoke to the Chairman of the Environment & Natural Resources Committee who is addressing this issue.


Concerns were highlighted about the untidy beach area. Persons felt the area needed cleaning and the huts needed to be renovated.

This concern was sent to ‘Report It, Sort It’.

Half Tree Hollow

Concerns were raised about the condition of the public toilets opposite the Salvation Army Hall, which have not only been left in an unclean state but which are also in need of renovation.

This concern was sent to ‘Report It, Sort It’ and Police are awaiting a reply. If anyone is caught defacing the public toilets or leaving them filthy in any way, they could be dealt with for criminal damage.

Thompsons Hill

Members of the public raised a concern about the overgrown vegetation on the road sides from Crack Plain to Mr Ken Henry’s residence. Persons felt this issue has made it difficult and dangerous for the public when using these roads and is considered a road safety issue.

This concern has been sent to ‘Report It, Sort It’ and Police are awaiting a reply.


Concerns were raised over the number of pot holes which are currently on the field of Longwood Avenue. This is a popular area for the community and visitors to socialise. The area also has a recreational playground for children to enjoy. Members of the public felt that the pot holes pose a hazard to both children and adults who frequently use this area, as they run the risk of twisting an ankle.

This concern was sent to ‘Report It, Sort It’ and Police are awaiting a reply.

Concerns were raised about the long grass on Longwood Avenue. Persons felt that as this is a recreational area, the long grass should be cut and the area maintained.

This concern was sent to ‘Report It, Sort It’ and Police are awaiting a reply.

Concerns were highlighted over the amount of rubbish seen on Longwood Avenue.

Police will be making regular checks on the area and also talking to persons in the vicinity. An email will also be sent to Waste Management Services.

Police would like to remind the public that it is an offence to be littering. Any persons found committing this offence will be dealt with. The public is reminded to please use the litter bins provided.


Team 1 – leave a telephone message on 25301 or email:

Team 2 – leave a telephone message on 25302 or email:

Team 3 – leave a telephone message on 25300 or email:

 #StHelena #StHelenaPolice #YouSaidWeDid #NeighbourhoodPolicing


6 July 2018

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470