The students, currently carrying out their seven-week Initial Police Training, are now over halfway through the course. Week four introduced them to traffic legislation and in particular, Construction & Use, Road Traffic Collisions, and driving whilst over the prescribed limit.

On Monday morning, students learned the theory regarding Road Traffic Collisions. The afternoon saw scenario training near the Seafront, dealing with a simple collision involving a motorcycle and a car. This then evolved into a more complex collision, involving two vehicles, where one of the drivers ran off. Back in the classroom the discussions turned to “was it due care and attention or was it dangerous driving?”.

Tuesday saw the students learn how to use the hand-held breath test machine, making sure that they comply with the law whilst administrating the test. It’s not easy, trying to stop a vehicle in a safe position, talk to the driver, then do the test, as well as recording the results.

Wednesday was a continuation of breath test training, learning about the station Lion Intoximeter and how the results are used evidentially.

Thursday morning saw eight very nervous faces as the students conducted a mid-course knowledge check. Despite the nerves, all students passed with flying colours.

Tutor, Learning & Development Sergeant, Mark Coombe, said:

“I am extremely proud of all the students for doing so well on the mid-course test. The students have only been in training for four weeks and have come a long way. They are developing into professional, knowledgeable, thinking Police Officers. Well done and keep up the good work!”

Four photos are attached to this release.

#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #InitialPoliceTraining #WeekFour

20 November 2018

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470