The public is advised that the Rock Guards of the Environment & Natural Resources Directorate will be removing a section of dangerous rocks which overhang the West Rocks and Break Neck Valley areas, on Wednesday, 8 November 2017, from 8.30am. The operation is expected to last for approximately two hours.
The West Rocks and Break Neck Valley areas will be out of bounds for the duration of these works. No persons will be able to walk or fish in these areas until works have been completed and the areas deemed safe for public use.
For safety reasons, appropriate signage will be displayed at West Rocks, and the Sea Rescue Service will also be surveying the areas.
The public is thanked in advance for their continued support and co-operation.
#StHelena #RockGuards #RockRemoval
6 November 2017
St Helena Government Communications Hub
Telephone: 22470