Executive Council met at 2pm on Thursday 18 December to consider one item.  This was the application for full Development Permission for the proposed Solar Farm in Half Tree Hollow.  The Chief Planning Officer and the Planning Officer were in attendance.

Outline Development Permission and transfer of the land from SHG to Connect Saint Helena Ltd had previously been agreed by Executive Council in October 2014.

The application for full Development Permission had been heard by the Land Development & Control Authority (LDCA) on 17 December.  The LDCA had recommended to Executive Council that permission be granted, subject to certain conditions, one being that there is independent confirmation that the Solar Farm would pose no risk to human health through the generation of electro-magnetic fields.

There was also discussion on the plans for the relocation of the rifle range. The CEO of Connect Saint Helena Ltd and the Director of the Environment & Natural Resources Directorate were invited to the meeting to contribute to this discussion. While no final plan has yet been agreed for this relocation, the CEO of Connect confirmed that the company is committed to funding this.

With this reassurance given, Executive Council agreed that full Development Permission be granted for a 0.5 MWe Solar Farm on the current site of the Half Tree Hollow rifle range, subject to the various conditions.

Council also considered and approved an application to waive customs duties on assets donated to the Health Directorate from the World Health Organisation.

On behalf of Legislative Council, Executive Council would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


24 December 2014


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